Online Instructor Travel Grants: Virtual Conference Application To be completed by University of Mississippi online faculty seeking assistance from Academic Outreach for funds to virtually attend professional conferences, meetings or workshops that are focused on distance, online, blended or hybrid education, or online instructional strategies. Applications should be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the conference. Applicant's InformationName * Title * Email * Department * Department Chair Approval *Attach a statement that Department Chair has approved the application and proposed conference attendance, and that the department agrees to cover all costs until the conference is completed and reimbursed. At that time, Academic Outreach will reimburse the department for the award amount. Proposed Conference DetailsName of Conference * Dates of Conference * Conference URL *Link to the conference main website. Conference Agenda URL *Link to the conference agenda page. Registration Fee * Significance and relevance of the conference for the applicant’s exploration of distance, online, blended or hybrid education, and online instructional strategies. * Any other benefits of the conference for the University of Mississippi. * VerificationPlease enter any two digitsExample: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank